Get A Complete Blueprint For Jump Training That Consistently Maximizes Performance, Keeps Your Athletes Injury Free, And Sets Them Up For Long Term Success
Finally, A Step-by-Step Jump Training System Created By Coaches, For Coaches
Dear Coach,
As you well know, the ability to express power and speed through jumping is critical for on the field and on the court success.
The athlete who can effectively control their bodies in space, at any given time or speed is going to have a leg up on their competition and if they can’t adapt to the chaos of sport and multiple changes of direction and speed…they will not succeed.
Unfortunately, until now there hasn’t been a complete resource that addresses jump training for sport in a way that prepares you, the coach to develop explosive athletes that are injury free.
Coaches have been left without credible, trustworthy jump training knowledge and instead they’ve had to settle for doing what they’ve always done or sift through the sea of information (and misinformation) available today in an effort to best serve their athletes.
That’s exactly why Complete Jumps Training - The Coaches Guide to Jump Training was developed. My name is Pat Beith, and over the past 11 years my company, Athletes Acceleration has been the #1 organization for delivering Practical, Step-By-Step Resource for Coaches to better serve their athletes worldwide (coaches from over 106 countries) and now we’ve developed a complete blueprint for Jump Training that will dramatically improve your athletes on the field and on the court.
What's The Problem?
We're smack in the middle of an epidemic and we knew we had to educate people.
Jumping isn't about the highest vertical or biggest box jump.
It's about control. Stability.
It’s about maximizing an opportunity to display extreme amounts of speed and power effectively and efficiently.
But virtually all the jump training programs today are developed by athletic guys who use their highlight reel of dunks to sell their ‘expertise’ to unsuspecting teenagers, while there has been no true program designed specifically to help coaches maximize their athletes’ performance and minimize injury.
The result is that as a profession, if you ask coaches what their training looks like, you'll get spreadsheet after spreadsheet of lifting progressions, charts and fancy graphs.
But if you ask them about their plyometric programming, they just look at you and say "You know! Some box jumps, vertical jump and long jumps."
If we're going to take the time to program and periodize our weight lifting, why aren't we doing the same with our jump training?
The Solution
We wanted to put together a resource that addresses Jump Training completely. Something that allows you, the coach, to address minimizing the risk of a lower body extremity injury while maximizing power development and performance.
That’s what Complete Jumps Training is, a comprehensive system to help your athletes develop a foundation for jumping and landing mechanics so they can properly express the speed and power needed to dominate their competition when the time is right.
What is Included in Complete Jumps Training - The Coaches Guide to Jump Training?
Component One: Introduction To Jump Training (3:01)
Component Two: Mastering The Mechanics (7:38)
Component Three: Programming Principles (8:51)
Component Four: Vertical Plane Jumps (14:14)
Component Five: Linear Plane Jumps (9:11)
Component Six: Lateral Plane Jumps (9:48)
Component Seven: Rotational Jumps (9:46)
Component Eight: Complete Jumps Training Manual (38 pages)
Complete Jumps Training is Approved for CEU's from the NSCA!
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) approved 0.3 CEU(s) for certified individuals who successfully complete the Complete Jumps Training course.
Your Complete Jumps Training Coaches

Athletes Acceleration has partnered with two of the leading Jump Training coaches in the industry to bring you Complete Jumps Training - The Coaches Guide to Jump Training:
Coach Bobby Smith
Coach Adam Feit
Coach Smith, a 2008 USA Olympic Trials Javelin Champion, is the owner of Reach Your Potential Training in New Jersey. A former Division I All American thrower and All-NEC Conference running back for Monmouth University, Bobby is a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning and USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach.
Coach Feit is the Director of Sports Performance Reach Your Potential Training after previously coaching at the Olympic, Division I and NFL levels. A former All American offensive lineman for Springfield College, Adam is a certified nutrition coach and NSCA/CSCCa certified strength and conditioning coach.
As coaches and former competitors at the highest levels of sport, Coach Smith and Coach Feit are aware of the physical demands of sport and the preparation needed to succeed. They’ve put their Jump Training methodology into practice with thousands of athletes, ranging from kids participating in middle school to NFL stars and they’ve shared their approach with coaches around the country through workshops and clinics.
Now they’re making their Jump Training System available to you in Complete Jumps Training.
Coach Smith and Coach Feit are going to give you the blueprint, drills and coaching cues you need to be on the cutting edge of jump training. All you need to do is make it part of your program.
In fact, we’re completely confident that this system will absolutely give you every tool you need to immediately help your athletes better express power and speed through jumping for on the field and on the court success - GUARANTEED.
"Today more than ever, information by itself is easy to obtain. The issue is, that information by itself doesn't transform anyone over the long term. Knowing how to make the best and most practical use of training related information is one of the traits that separates the greats from the rest of the pack in this field and the RYPT team has given us the necessary tools in order to do just that.
Their programming recommendations, templates and guidelines allow you to make the information and exercises IMMEDIATELY applicable and guide you along the way. As someone who is deeply passionate about the art of program design, it is nice to see other coaches put out a system where no detail or description is left to the imagination, and thus serves as a compass for anyone, athlete or coach, to put together a progression that is logical and adaptable for their own setting and lifestyle.
I highly recommend this product. Most may say it serves as "another tool in the toolbox" but in reality, products like this one are what the toolbox was created for in the first place."
Brett Bartholomew, MS.Ed, CSCS *D
Director of Performance for Pro Sports
Unbreakable Performance Center
"In an era where youth specific sports training has become a dominant component of the adolescent sports culture, it is refreshing to see coaches taking the time to teach our athletes the proper mechanics, techniques, and drills to master certain performance measurables. The number of adolescent sports injuries are on the rise because there is a lack of teaching going on. Our youth athletes are competing too much and not investing time in general physical fitness activities to better prepare themselves for all aspects of athleticism. The coaches at RYPT have developed an incredible product that can serve any coach and athlete, regardless of training age improve their jumping and landing capabilities. Coaches Guide to Jump Training is a tremendous teaching product that will help anyone understand the importance of proper teaching progressions to ensure athletic safety and success."
Joe Kenn
Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach
Owner, Big House Power Competitive Athletic Training
"One of the most controversial training topics in the strength and conditioning profession is Jump Training. There have been people who have completely butchered what jump training is all about on the internet with their outrageous claims and programs- and of course injuries usually followed. I just had the honor of reviewing a jump training program by Adam Feit and Bobby Smith called “Coaches Guide to Jump Training”. It is extremely well done and one of the best programs I have seen. When I review a program I have a checklist of items that I want to see covered. Some of these items are; Is the program safe. Is the program appropriate for the advertised age group. Are proper demonstrations used. Is there an ascending progression of skills, and so on. There wasn’t one area that didn’t get checked off. Adam and Bobby hit on all areas. The video is extremely clear and easy to follow. Drills are demonstrated very well. And the accompanying documents round out this program to make it a top notch resource. All I can say is this is the answer to what coaches have been asking for when it comes to jump training. If you don’t get this program you are missing out on a great one! My library will have it for sure."
Lee Taft, MS, CSCS
Athletic Movement Specialist
"Jump training is usually taught without context. Details about training load or micro-progressions are often an afterthought. "Contacts per week"? What kind of contacts!? That's why this video is so refreshing. Adam and Bobby offer more than just excellent progression/regressions and coaching cues. They also provide a much-needed dialogue on how to manage volume over the training year. This should be required viewing for anyone working with athletes."
Geoff Girvitz Owner
Bang Fitness (Toronto)
"But What if it Doesn't Work For My Athletes?"
Then It's ALL FREE.
We know this system works, as do the many coaches and athletes who have already experienced the effectiveness of what Coach Smith and Coach Feit teach. But at the same time, we understand that you still may be skeptical, and as such we want to do everything we can to make this a no-brainer, risk-free decision for you.
And for that exact reason, here's what we're going to do for you: for each and every coach who orders, we're going to extend our Iron-Clad, 60-day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee:
Simply put, if you implement the New Complete Jumps Training System, and for any reason are NOT entirely satisfied with the results your athletes achieve from it, just contact me and I'll immediately refund your investment. It's that simple.
We stand behind this best in class jump training system and the rapid results you will achieve, but if for some strange reason it doesn't yield those results for your athletes, you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.
Do You Want To Give Your Athletes The Tools They Need to Win?
The truth is this: you could scour hundreds of books, DVDs and products assembling drills and exercises, go through thousands of hours of trial and error testing new methods and jump training protocols to see what works…and what doesn’t.
Or you could…
- Skip all that work.
- Rely on the fact that we already did ALL of that for you.
- Start getting results now with the proven Complete Jumps Training System.
- Do so completely risk-free with your athletes’ results guaranteed.
All while paying only $59.95, this should be one of the easiest decisions you've ever made.
Coach Smith and Coach Feit are going to give you the blueprint, drills and coaching cues you need to be on the cutting edge of jump training. All you need to do is make it part of your program.
In fact, we’re completely confident that this system will absolutely give you every tool you need to immediately help your athletes better express power and speed through jumping for on the field and on the court success - GUARANTEED.
We can't wait to hear about the incredible results your athletes have already experience just a few short weeks from now.
Pat Beith
Athletes Acceleration Inc.
P.S. Remember, with our Iron-clad, 100% Money-back Guarantee, we're giving you 60 risk-free days to discover what countless others already have—this is the most effective, step-by-step jump training system EVER developed. Grab Complete Jumps Training RISK-FREE today.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Complete Jumps Training and why is it so effective?
The Complete Jumps Training system is a cutting-edge step-by-step training system that combines all the necessary components of jump training, from general program design to specifically addressing Vertical Jumps, Linear Jumps, Lateral Jumps and Rotational Jumps as well as injury prevention into a strategic, easy to implement program that will allow your athletes to reach their performance potential.
If I train Middle School Athletes, can I still use this system?
Yes, absolutely! In fact, Coach Smith & Coach Feit train a large population of Middle School Athletes in their facility with this exact methodology so you can trust that you’re getting ‘field tested’ information.
I’m not experienced with jump training at all. Can I still benefit from this System?
Yes, Coach Smith & Coach Feit have left no stone unturned in providing a complete blueprint for jump training that you can use no matter what your experience level. You’ll learn how to coach each exercise and drill, how to organize your program and how to address everything from injury prevention to maximization of performance.
I’m an experienced Coach. Is Complete Jumps Training for me?
Absolutely! That is information is the perfect compliment to what you’re already doing to achieve success with your athletes. Coach Smith & Coach Feit are on the cutting edge of jump training and performance development and in CJT they’ve held nothing back, introducing the latest methods and protocols to help athletes reach their potential.
What if it doesn't work for my athletes?
Then it’s all FREE.
Simply put, if you follow the Complete Jumps Training System and for any reason are NOT entirely satisfied with the results your athletes achieve from your efforts, just contact us and we’ll refund your money. It’s that simple.
We stand behind this best in class jump training system and the rapid results you will achieve, but if for some strange reason it doesn't yield those results for your athletes, you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.
Coach Smith and Coach Feit are going to give you the blueprint, drills and coaching cues you need to be on the cutting edge of jump training. All you need to do is make it part of your program.
In fact, we’re completely confident that this system will absolutely give you every tool you need to immediately help your athletes better express power and speed through jumping for on the field and on the court success - GUARANTEED.